OLPP’s Patent protected technology can track vehicles like no other parking management solution available today. We combine a vast range of applications in conjunction with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology all into one comprehensive system which tracks vehicles quickly and accurately. Our parking program controls and regulates community / campus parking while solving subletting concerns, bad tows, parking headaches, permit exchange and never having to change permits again!
OLPP lets the responsible organization quickly lookup a vehicle’s information which enables them to see its current permit status or take any other appropriate action (like warn or tow). We securely store every vehicle’s information to have the ability to contact the owner(s) in important situations.
There are several deterrents that can prevent authorized parking enforcement from patrolling your property.
Whatever the established rules are to park at your property, OLPP’s Web Based application will manage it. It doesn’t matter if your property has surface, garage, reserved or 100 different parking lots that each require a unique permit, OLPP’s software using intelligent permits can do it all with a single permit!
OLPP’s software along with our intelligent permits will enforce any rule/condition at a property. In addition, we provide the resident/student/employee/guest additional certainty that their vehicles won’t be towed mistakenly because each vehicle is validated in three steps as opposed to being towed for not having a visible permit in the vehicle.
The three steps of vehicle validation are as follows:
If the vehicle in question doesn’t meet any of the three validation requirements, the vehicle is a legitimate tow.
Easily grant privileges to property and community managers, board members, and enforcement members. (Such as patrol, towing or security companies.) OLPP keeps a history of every user and tracks all their transactions while using our database.